Leadership Skills

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Pasteur would not be a leader if he didn’t have the skills of one. He had all the skills of a leader, hands of a brain surgeon, and more skills of a leader! He was organized with all of his work.  In life and everything he was organized. That’s one of things people might not have recognized him for around the world. It’s hard to tell if being respected around the world was a leadership skill, or if he was respected around the world because of his skills. But that’s kind of a win win deal.  One thing for sure, he was generous because of his dangerous, even life threatening work that he did to save probably over billions of lives and counting. And to think he did that all thinking of others. That life threatening work thing leads me into another skill, bravery. Working with germs or bacteria could have killed him or others, but he took the smart risks, and mostly succeeded.

His leadership skills came out of him all the time. New ones appearing like birds in spring. One was motivation, passing it on from being motivated by his father to motivating millions. He wouldn’t accept the fact disease just happened, so he stuck to that idea and never backed away. If something didn’t work, he tried again, and again, and again. That just goes to show how he always went for perfection. He had to be creative, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t think of all the different mixtures. And obviously, he was intelligent. Discipline was one of his greatest skills.

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